Tag: WP Add Custom CSS

How to add custom css to WordPress

How to add custom css to WordPress

While managing your WordPress, you may sometimes want to edit the styling of some parts of your post or your site. Moreover, you want to edit the CSS or add custom CSS without modifying the theme’s source code. Let’s look at some ways to do that.

Use JetPack’s Custom CSS Editor

If you already have JetPack by WordPress.com plugin installed, go to your JetPack plugin settings -> Appearance -> Custom CSS -> Configure your Custom CSS settings, click to open the Custom CSS Editor, then append your custom CSS there and click save.

The custom css will be appended to all the pages in your WordPress website.

Use WP Add Custom CSS plugin

WP Add Custom CSS plugin not only lets you add custom CSS to your whole website, but also to any specific posts or pages that you want.

Once the plugin is installed, it will give you an extra edit box in the post editor and page editor to add your custom css.

Add custom CSS to the whole website.
Add custom CSS to specific posts.
Add custom CSS to specific pages.
Add custom CSS to specific custom post types (such as Woocommerce products).

Use Simple Custom CSS and JS plugin

Simple Custom CSS and JS plugin not only lets you add custom CSS, but also custom JavaScript to your website.

At the time this post is written, this plugin hasn’t let us add custom CSS and Javascript to specific pages or posts. However, it let us manage multiple custom CSS and JavaScript without having to put all of them in the same spot as with the plugins mentioned above.

Manage Custom Codes
Add/Edit CSS
Add/Edit Javascript

Final words

These plugins let us modify the CSS without touching the theme’s source code.

Which of these options suits you best? Let me know in the comment! 😀